بدء مخطط أسلمة \"20 فبراير\". الفيزازي ينعتهم بالملاحدة وآخرون يدعونهم إلى التظاهر ضد بيع الخمور
هل بدأ مخطط أسلمة حركة 20 فبراير من قبل تيارات متخلفة منها التيار السلفي؟، ففي الوقت الذي طالبت فيه الحركة بالمساواة ودولة الحق والقانون وسمو المرجعية الدولية لحقوق الإنسان على القوانين المحلية، خرج الفيزازي والمغراوي وجهات غير معروفة في فاس بتصريحات ضد كل هذه المطالب. هؤلاء ينعتون الشباب بالملحد ويبيحون التزوج بطفلة عمرها تسع سنوات ويطالبون بالاحتجاج ضد الدعارة وبيع الخمور بفاس.
أطلقت حملة على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي الفايسبوك" من أجل "إرجاع الفيزازي إلى السجن".
mowatin maghribi
this man is very strange 20 fevrier helped to get him out of prison and now he is attacking them ! ! he should keep his old ideas to himself and leave 20 fevrier get on with the real issues that concern young moroccans Man and women. We want to go forward not turn into \\ ( into AHL ALKAHF )......
Dear sir, With all due respect, the salafists are stuck in the past. Civilization has passed them by. I do not care what they do with their lives, what they wear, how they pray... It\'s all none of my business. All I and millions of others are asking for is that they extend the same courtesy to others. What maybe darkness to them (progress, openness, gender equality... ) is enlightenment to others. Morocco belongs to all moroccans, whether you pray or not, drink or not, fast or not. But when these fanatics start killing people with swords, dousing girls with acid, beheading foreigners, all in the name self righteousness and religion, then it\'s clear that they are motakhalifine, not just that, but barbaric even. The only way we can get out of this mess is by respecting each others\' choices, some thing the salafists seem to be incapable of.
This is where we go wrong as soon as they see people who are older or with a beard (la7ya twiiiila ) they start saying respect the elderly or what ever but this new young generation in Morocco they are more intelegent then them in my opinion. the Moroccan population is mostly young So, we listen to young fresh minds to go forward not to old tired dead ideas. Action speaks louder then just words ( wa 9ala wa9ala wa 9ala ) or he prays 100 times a day who cares i is between him and Allah....
hada m9al motahayyiz ,20 fevrier madaf3atch 3la hado ,20fevrier daf3at 3la hassraha .